Sunday, April 26, 2009

Socks and sandals

Luther and Paula and Nadia and Heather and Miss P. and I went to see "Goodbye Solo" near Lincoln Center. Beforehand, we had coffee outside. Miss P. saw that I was wearing socks with sandals, and said "Who are you, Kevin Federline?" I informed him that the petty rules of fashion are made for people who don't know how to dress. Some people NEED fashion rules; I certainly don't. I should have gone on to explain that I hate to show my feet, because my right big toenail is gnarled from fungus, but, feeling like I had the upper hand, I kept that to myself.

These particular sandals I purchased about eight years ago, at a Miu Miu sample sale on Lafayette Street, with Blue. Blue had me try them on, then told me that I "couldn't afford not to buy them." I wonder where Blue is right now? Probably drunk, or just a bunch of dust, having drunk himself to death.


jw12 said...

Try mixing bleach w/ water and putting it on your fungus foot.

Agent Orange said...

Take no notice of the critics, in a world full of caterpillars, it takes balls to be a butterfly. See more butterflies at