Sunday, April 19, 2009

Two Matts

I wanted to take a picture of this guy Matt's risky hoodie, as he's straight, and I love it when the straight guys take risks with their outfits. I decided to crop his head out of the picture, as I'm sure he wouldn't like his face appearing on my deviant, homosexual blog. But then I looked at the picture, and this OTHER guy Matt's face was visible! He's sitting on the steps. How funny, I didn't even plan that. I think the Matt whose face is not in the pic is delicious, but I do wish he would shave his facial hair. Sadly, I will never lick his face, though I yearn to, so I don't feel like I have enough at stake in his face to offer my opinion on it. He should totally publicly trade his face, because then I would buy a majority stake in it and then force him to shave. I have had way too much coffee this a.m.

1 comment:

Jesse Archer said...

I think if the straight guy is daring enough to wear yellow and purple polka dots, he'd be honored to have his face featured on a homosexual blog.