Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alyse and Oliver

The lovely Alia was in town, and we went to the Rodeo Bar with her brother David, his flirtatious friend Chris, and Alyse and her new boyfriend Oliver. This isn't a great picture at all, but I was so taken that night with Alyse's and Oliver's beauty that I had to try to capture the moment. Truly, they are the hottest couple in NYC. And he's perfect for her! Sweet, handsome, and semi-reliable. Sort of the anti-thesis of her last boyfriend, Christopher (whom I introduced her to!). But he is from Maine, which is sort of an afterthought state. And he is as hairy as the drain filter in the Harlem Globetrotters' locker room bathtub, although Alyse has many times tried to convince me that he's only hairy on his chest. As if I don't have eyes! That kid could be skinned for fur by Fendi. There is something dreamy about him, though, and often when I hang around with them, I imagine what his hairy nuts would feel like in my palm. In this picture, Alyse is wearing some pastiche she assembled, probably mostly from Forever 21 (I myself shop at Forever 41), and Oliver is wearing a pastel-colored tee.

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