Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hot nephew

Last night I went out to dinner with Johnathan and his former porn star boyfriend, and the boyfriend's nephew, and some additional gay who seemed to be in a K hole the whole time. The nephew was hot! And he was wearing beads on one wrist, barbed wire on the other. I immediately took an unhealthy interest in him. Apparently, he is a milliner. Once again, I expressed my heartfelt desire for a mohair onesy, which is something that I reveal whenever I meet a clothier, in the hopes that they will like the sound of the project and be willing to take it on. The hot nephew immediately (and wisely) declined, though. One day, though, I predict that I will meet a clothier who will be lured in by my mohair onesy need. Probably, I will meet him right before I'm killed in a tragic accident, perhaps an accident involving me being buried in an avalance of onesies, and thus I will never get to enjoy my onesy.

Johnathan's boyfriend seems like a nice guy. He hugged me warmly as I walked in, but then the hug he gave me as I was leaving was colder. I wondered if I had made a bad impression, but I was leaving with my new friend Dan, so I quickly became more interested in Dan's thoughts on me. Dan played it cool, mostly.

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