Monday, January 18, 2010

Kona Kai

I went to a birthday party for Aaron, who runs the amazing magazine Spunk, at the Ace Hotel. At first, I was only going to put on a simple shell, but then I remembered that my lesbian friend William would probably be dressed to the nines, so I made a little effort and put on a vintage Kona Kai Hawaiian blouse. Look at William's outfit! He is a true fashion original, in a way I could never be. He was rocking "Brooklyn schoolboy realness," and I wish I had taken a picture of him with his full outfit on, including a fancy peacoat and a grey, felt hat.

But back to my shirt. I bought it years ago on an antiquing trip to Cold Spring, with Blue. There were so many hotties at the Ace Hotel party (especially Aaron and Christopher, who told me I was sexy and that he had a lover of 17 years. It isn't above me to plot an affair with Christopher, as I'd like to know how being the spoiler feels, for a change. Oh, wait ... I already know how that feels, with that sexy guy who moved away. It feels weird). Weirdly, ten years later, I still wonder where Blue is now, if you can imagine that. And I still think of him as the one who (thankfully) got away.

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